Location: Terre Haute, IN
Date illuminated: December 1, 2017
Layers: 3
In 1915, the Coca-Cola Company issued a challenge to design a distinctive bottle for their renowned beverage. The Root Glass Company's design, inspired by a cocoa bean pod, won the competition and positioned Terre Haute, IN, as the birthplace of the globally recognized Coca-Cola bottle.

Restoration & Preservation
Coca-Cola Consolidated restores and preserves ghost signs containing the fading ads of their iconic brand on walls around the world. Unlike our typical Light Capsule restorations, where existing ghost signs are enhanced with projections to fill in the gaps in the fading paint, this project involved a blank wall, which presented a unique opportunity.

Fortunately, the Vigo County History Center had two historical photos of the wall painted in the 1920s and 1930s, which were later used to create a new mural, designed by sign painter and artist Jack Fralin, that would be painted the following spring.

Spring, 2018
Augmented Restoration
This Light Capsule appeared for one night only on December 1, 2017.
Matt Shackleford, Conjure
Historical Photos & Research
Susan Tingley, Vigo County Historical Society & Museum
2018 Mural Design
Jack Fralin
Coca-Cola Consolidated team
Christi McGee
Kendyl Cooke

Light Capsules™ © Winslow Studio, LLC